1820 Decatur
In the 1890's Thomas Atwood was the principal of the Dow School when it was located on the northeast corner of Washington Avenue and Ash Street. In November 1889 he bought 2 lots on the northeast corner of Decatur and Silver, and on February 19, 1890 he hired a contractor to build a 1-story school building on the property. It was to be finished by March 1. Mrs. Atwood was also a teacher, and in the 1895-96 city directory she is the principal of the Houston Kindergarten and Primary School at the corner of Silver and Decatur. By 1892-93 the Atwoods reside there. The original school building was presumably expanded into a residence in the early 1890's.
The Atwoods sold their 2 lots in 1903 and moved to the Third Ward. By 1907 their house had been moved from the middle of the two lots to the front of the corner lot, where it is today. The 2-story house at 1818 Decatur was built in about 1908.
After the Atwoods left, 1820 Decatur was rental property until 1997.
Made Jul 1973 for appraisal purposes. Courtesy Harris Co. Archives.
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