1904 Kane
This Gulf Coast cottage was built in the mid 1870's by or for Franklin J. Bergeron, a bricklayer and stone mason who later became a brick contractor and builder with his office and residence at 1904 Kane. He died in 1906, but his adult children continued to live in the house. Claudia was living there when she died in 1935. Ownership remained in the Bergeron family until 1955. The house, like 1909 Decatur behind it, features double front doors, typical of Acadian construction of southwestern Louisiana. Franklin Bergeron was born in Louisiana, and he and his wife were married there in 1859 before coming to Houston in the mid 1870's. 1904 Kane and 1909 Decatur are the oldest houses in the Old Sixth Ward remaining on their original sites.
Made 25 Jul 1973 for appraisal purposes. Courtesy Harris Co. Archives.
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