1808 Lubbock
A policeman Patrick D. O'Leary lived for many years at 1808 Lubbock in a house that disappeared in about 1990. The house currently at 1808 Lubbock was built in 1905 by Arthur and Katherine Spring at 1804 Moore (now North Memorial Way). In 1996 James Schriver purchased the house and moved it a few blocks to its present location. It is a typical Post-Victorian center hall bungalow.
At 1804 Moore before being moved.
Just arrived -- sans porch.
Made 27 Aug 1973 for appraisal purposes. This house on lot 7 no longer exists. Courtesy Harris Co. Archives.
Made 29 Oct 1973 for appraisal purposes. Courtesy Harris Co. Archives. The address on the sign is wrong. This house is probably 1804 West Capitol, which was later moved to 1808 Lubbock.
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