2000, 2002, 2004 Kane
The two corner lots have experienced a lot of changes. Owen J. Gorman, a coppersmith who worked for the H. & T. C. lived here from 1878 to 1898. In 1893 he leased the eastern 2/3 of the corner lot to the Houston Ice and Brewing Co., which built a small building on the corner. That building was later Lieven T. Weber's grocery store before he moved it to 909 Henderson. In 1908 Albert Roescher bought the 2 lots and built a grand Classical Revival house on the corner at 2004 Kane and a tenant house beside it at 2006 Kane. He was a salesman for J. J. Sweeney Jewelry Co. After his death in 1929 his widow lived at 2004 Kane for many years. She sold the property to Tony Giammalva in 1953. Sadly he dismantled the large house and used the lumber to build several, probably 5, small rental houses. In about 2008 the two corner lots were replatted, and 3 very similar 2-story townhouses were constructed.
Made 31 Oct 1973 for appraisal purposes. Courtesy Harris Co. Archives.
This is 2006 Kane. Made for appraisal purposes, probably in 1970s. Courtesy Harris Co. Archives.
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