1801 State
This ell wing Folk Victorian house with Queen Anne influences was built in 1892 by Theodore W. Erichson, a foreman tinner in the H. & T. C. shops. He and his wife Sophia lived there until about 1907. In that year the house was bought by James A. Kluever, a railroad conductor. He and his wife lived there until 1918. After being rented for many years, Kluever heirs sold it to John Lim in 1944. He lived there briefly; in 1946 he bought his wife's interest in the lot and in the King Fong Market at 900 W. Dallas, and in 1947 he sold 1801 State to Harry Hon Lim. Harry Hon Lim lived in the house until 1973 and sold it in 1997.
1801 State is one of the few houses in the neighborhood that was designed with an integrated gutter system that leads rainwater to a cistern underneath the backyard.
Made 26 Jul 1973 for appraisal purposes. Courtesy Harris Co. Archives.
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