1910 Kane

1910 Kane on lot 4 is one of the most evolved houses in the neighborhood.  John Holland bought lot 4 in 1873, and by 1880 he was living there, but there is no structure on the lot in the 1890 Sanborn map.  By 1896 a 1-story house was on the lot, and by 1907 the front part had become 2-story.  By 1950 the house had been split into apartments; various excrescences provided additional rentable space.  The house was purchased in 1977 by the Sabine Association to prevent demolition and then sold a few months later to Al and Diane Morin, who restored it.

In the 1890's and early 20th century 1910 Kane was the home of Friedrich Roemer and his wife, both German immigrants.  He was a railroad carpenter and also a piano tuner.  In 1906 they sold the house to John M. Delhom, a French immigrant and saloon keeper.  His family lived at 1910 Kane until 1919.  From 1922 until 1954 the house was owned by Thomas Pride and his wife.  They lived in part of the house and divided the remaining part into apartments.

Made 25 Jul 1973 for appraisal purposes.  Courtesy Harris Co. Archives.

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