2114 Lubbock
2114 Lubbock is on lot 3. In the 1907 Sanborn map there are 2 shotgun houses on lot 3. They were probably built between 1900 and 1907 by Ferdinand Schoellkopf, a carpenter who lived at 2119 Lubbock. On October 20, 1920 John Barbato bought lot 3 and also lot 4 east of it. He lived at 1816 Kane and operated a bakery there. On the same day he sold lot 3 to his father George Barbato, an Italian immigrant, and lot 4 to his brother-in-law Paul Colletti, also an Italian immigrant. In 1921 George Barbato bought a vacant lot across the street (2113 Lubbock). He moved the westmost of the 2 shotgun houses on lot 3 across the street, and then he built an addition onto the front part of the remaining shotgun house. The gabled part of the house at 2114 Lubbock today was originally the Schoellkopf shotgun house, and the porch and room behind it is George Barbato's addition. George Barbato built an analogous addition onto the relocated house, so today 2114 and 2113 Lubbock are similar in form.
George Barbato was a truck farmer before the family moved into town in about 1915. They were living at the macaroni factory at 114 Preston. It was there that his daughter Mary met Paul Colletti, a recently arrived Italian immigrant. By 1920 he was a shoemaker with his own shop, and he and his wife lived at 2112 Lubbock until 1941. George Barbato lived at 2114 Lubbock until he died in 1942 at age 84. In 1943 John Barbato bought his father's house. It remained in the Barbato family until 1995 and was rented. Since 1995 it has been owner occupied.
In the 1990's before the house was unduplexed.
Made 1 Nov 1973 for appraisal purposes. Courtesy Harris Co. Archives.
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