2110 Kane
In 1924 Harry Thomson, a machinist, bought lot 4. He lived there until his death in 1940, and his widow lived there until 1962. The previous owner of lot 4 had also owned lot 3 to the west, and in the 1924 Sanborn map there is only one house on the 2 lots. It is on lot 4, but the west side of the house is on the west line of lot 4. In 1928 Thomson and his wife contracted with a builder to erect certain improvements on lot 4. It is reasonable to conjecture that the house bought in 1924 was destroyed by fire and that a new house with exactly the same footprint was built on the floor plate of the old house. That's why the bungalow style house now at 2110 Kane is on the west property line of lot 4 instead of toward the middle.
Decades later during the ownership of William Gay (1991-98) there was another fire at 2010 Kane. After the fire the roof was rebuilt with a steeper pitch to accommodate a room in the attic, and the porch was rebuilt. Therefore the current appearance of the house does not accurately represent the 1920's.
Made Nov 1973 for appraisal purposes. Courtesy Harris Co. Archives.
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