815 Sabine
In 1893 Julia Hull purchased a lot on the southwest corner of Sabine and Decatur. Her father was Joseph Renner, who had owned the 2-acre tract east of Sabine that became the Renner subdivision. She and her husband Still Hull lived at 716 Sabine. In 1905 they built two identical 2-story tenant houses facing Sabine at 815 and 817 Sabine. Julia Hull's daughter, the executrix of her estate, sold the houses in 1943. Frank and Josephine Gonzales bought 817 Sabine in 1944 and lived there until about 1960. The address disappears from city directories in about 1964. Something happened. Maybe the house burned. Joe and Louise Tovar bought 815 Sabine in 1945 and lived here until about 1997. This 2-story post-Victorian cross gable house still exists.
Made 29 Oct 1973 for appraisal purposes. Courtesy Harris Co. Archives.
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