818 Sabine
Yellow house on the right is 818 Sabine
In 1853 Joseph Renner, a German immigrant, bought a 2-acre tract south of the new Washington Road and east of what is now Sabine Street. In 1879, 14 years before his death, the tract was divided into lots; some were given to his children and some were sold. In the last years of his life Joseph Renner lived on the east side of Sabine at the end of Decatur on lot 6. In his will he bequeathed that lot to his daughter Julia Hull in trust for her 2 daughters.
In about 1906 they moved their grandfather's house to the rear of the lot and built two identical tenant houses at 818 and 816 Sabine on the front of the lot. Foremost Dairies bought the south half of lot 6 in 1949, and 816 Sabine and Joseph Renner's house were demolished. Only 818 Sabine has survived. In 1942 it was purchased by Sam B. Raia and became part of what is sometimes called the Raia compound at 900, 902, and 818 Sabine. The Classical Revival ell-wing cottage at 818 Sabine has always been rental property. The siding has a distinct profile which identifies it as boxcar siding. The Houston and Texas Central Railroad had a large boxcar manufacturing plant north of Washington Avenue, and several houses in the area were clad in boxcar siding discarded by the plant.
Made 10 Dec 1973 for appraisal purposes. Courtesy Harris Co. Archives.
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